Can racism’s devastating impact on individuals, communities, and societies be prevented?
In Disrupting Racism, Dr. Peter Henry Huang offers a uniquely holistic approach to anti-racism efforts that draws from his personal experiences as an Asian American, and from his extensive scholarly work in mathematical economics, law, and education.
Writing with wit and intellectual richness, Dr. Huang describes how legal measures against racism can be complemented with mathematical economics, cognitive neuroscience, communication, psychology, and even humor. By sharing about his life as a child prodigy and later as a professor, he infuses his scholarly writing with a friendly, personal charm.
The book makes an important contribution to the often-misunderstood problem of racism against Asian Americans, which has dramatically increased in recent years. In addition, Dr. Huang addresses the root causes of all forms of racism. The evidence-based research presented in this book will be helpful for everyone who is eager to help our culture disrupt the plague of racism.
“Disrupting Racism should be read by everyone. It is a masterpiece. Based on his personal experience, his background as a child prodigy, and his deep knowledge of law and social science, Peter Huang has given an accurate—and wholly empathetic—description of racial discrimination in America (and elsewhere). Remarkably, his characterization of racism leads to sensible and practical prescriptions for how to mitigate this terrible problem—possibly, even to eradicate it.”
“This book throws new light on the damage that is being done by racial discrimination.”
“Peter Huang is an incredibly engaging writer. Impeccably researched and delightfully presented, this book is one that every American will want to read. It is a true page-turner that beautifully combines economics, law, psychology, and the study of American racism. ”
Dr. Peter Huang
graduated from Princeton University at age seventeen. He quickly went on to earn a doctorate in applied mathematics from Harvard University and later completed a JD with distinction from Stanford University Law School. He has published nearly seventy academic articles on topics related to anti-discrimination, leadership, and social justice. Peter is also a fun and wise uncle to his nieces and nephews, and an intellectual sparring partner for his tiger mother.
Disrupting Racism: Essays by an Asian American Prodigy Professor
Copyright © 2023 by Peter Henry Huang
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief questions embodied in articles and reviews. For information, contact the publisher.
Published by Endeavor Literary Press
P.O. Box 51455
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
ISBN Print Version: 978-1-7368734-6-5
ISBN Ebook: 978-1-7368734-7-2
Cover Design: James Clarke (